
Watch the intro video to get a quick overview of the program before you start.



Ultra Beginner Level Workouts (Weeks 1-5)

Do this for 4 weeks as follows: on the 1st workout day, complete the full-body workout; on the 2nd workout day, do the upper-body workout; and on the 3rd workout day, do the lower-body workout. Then, in the fifth week, start with the Beginner Full-Body Transition Workout on the first session, follow it with the Ultra Beginner Upper-Body Workout on the second session, and finish with the Ultra Beginner Lower-Body Workout on the third session. After completing this, you’ll be ready to move on to the Beginner Workout Plan.

Ultra Beginner full body workout

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Beginner Level Workouts (Weeks 6-9)

Do this for 4 weeks as follows: on the 1st workout day, complete the full-body workout; on the 2nd workout day, do the upper-body workout; and on the 3rd workout day, do the lower-body workout. Then, in the ninth week, start with the Intermediate Full-Body Transition Workout on the first session, follow it with the Beginner Upper-Body Workout on the second session, and finish with the Beginner Lower-Body Workout on the third session. After completing this, you’ll be ready to move on to the Intermediate Workout Plan.

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Intermediate Level Workouts (Weeks 10-15)

Do this for 4 weeks as follows: on the 1st workout day, complete the full-body workout; on the 2nd workout day, do the upper-body workout; and on the 3rd workout day, do the lower-body workout. Then, in the ninth week, start with the Advanced Full-Body Transition Workout on the first session, follow it with the Intermediate Upper-Body Workout on the second session, and finish with the Intermediate Lower-Body Workout on the third session. After completing this, you’ll be ready to move on to the Advanced Workout Plan.

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Advanced Level Workouts (Weeks 16-20)

Do this for 4 weeks as follows: on the 1st workout day, complete the full-body workout; on the 2nd workout day, do the upper-body workout; and on the 3rd workout day, do the lower-body workout. Then, in the ninth week, start with the Expert Full-Body Transition Workout on the first session, follow it with the Advanced Upper-Body Workout on the second session, and finish with the Advanced Lower-Body Workout on the third session. This completes the 20th week, and if you’ve successfully reached this milestone, congratulations from the bottom of my heart! From here, you have the opportunity to move on to the Expert-level workouts. I highly recommend the 12-Week Advanced to Expert Program!

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